joab jackson

Articles by joab jackson

Microsoft server chief stepping down

On the same day that AMD CEO Dirk Meyer resigns, it's announced that longtime Microsoft executive Bob Muglia will also step down this summer, as different cycles need "new and different talent," according to a memo from CEO Steve Ballmer

Apache to steward NASA-built middleware

The Apache Software Foundation has accepted Object-Oriented Data Technology as a top-level project

Microsoft set to announce tablet version of Windows

Rumors swirl around the company preparing a tablet version of Windows for the CES show, according to various reports

Informatica debuts pay-as-you-go data integration

Targeting salesforce users, Informatica introduces a low-cost service for integrating data into's cloud

Google Wave may become an Apache project

A complex collaboration application developed and abandoned by Google may find a second home at Apache

Intel says 1,000-core processor is possible

A group of Intel researchers has pioneered a messaging system that would allow multiple cores to communicate

Nvidia chief scientist: CPUs slowed by legacy design

Bill Dally, the company's chief scientist and senior vice-president of research, forecasts a time when GPUs, not CPUs, will do most computer work. CPUs "burn a lot of power" executing tasks that may be unnecessary in today's computing environment, he added

Google releases data cleanser

Refine is a desktop open source tool for cleaning and analyzing plain text data sets used to be called Freebase Gridworks

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