Jim Love

I've been in IT and business for over 30 years. I worked my way up, literally from the mail room and I've done every job from mail clerk to CEO. Today I'm CIO and Chief Digital Officer of IT World Canada - Canada's leader in ICT publishing and digital marketing.

Articles by Jim Love

Hashtag Trending Jan.19-Impact of AI on employment headlines at Davos; New study shows how much data is shared with Facebook; Starlink announces pricey Gigabit...

Where does Open Source fit into the global AI picture? Davos is abuzz with concerns about AI. A new study shows just how much...

Hashtag Trending Jan.18- Google Search quality declining?; Samsung taking on Apple by integrating AI; The end of self checkout

Google Search quality may be getting worse.  Samsung partners with Google to embrace AI after its move to number the number 2 spot in...

Hashtag Trending Jan.17- Microsoft opens copilot to companies of size; Increased visits to piracy sites; Open source and online hacking tools fueling supply chain...

Microsoft drops the requirement for having 300 users or more and opens co-pilot to companies of any size, there’s a huge increase in visits...

Hashtag Trending Jan.16-Apple to split its app store in two for EU; 60 per cent of jobs to be impacted by AI in developed...

Apple will split its app store in two for the EU.  Wells Fargo leaps ahead in conversational AI. The International Monetary Fund is projecting...

Hashtag Trending Jan.15-Microsoft’s software update triggers installation hassles; eBay fined for harassment campaign; AI girlfriend apps

Microsoft users hit a rough patch – literally.  The EU is challenging Apple to allow third party app stores on its devices, eBay is...

Dan Kagan, Country Manager at Okta – my guest on Hashtag Trending, Weekend Edition

SHOWNOTES:  Hi.  And welcome to Hashtag Trending - the weekend edition.  I'm your host Jim Love. My guest for this week and I probably have...

Hashtag Trending; Microsoft surpasses Apple as most valuable company; Broadcom dumps VMWare partners; Google layoffs

Microsoft overtakes Apple as the most valuable company. Broadcom stirs up a hornets nest when it dumps VMWare partners. The U.S. government demands that...

Hashtag Trending Jan.11- OpenAI’s GPT store; AI and disinformation top WEF’s list of global risks; Research links brain cells to computer chip

It’s here – OpenAI has launched the GPT store and I have more questions than answers at this point. AI and disinformation make it...

Tech News