Jim Love

I've been in IT and business for over 30 years. I worked my way up, literally from the mail room and I've done every job from mail clerk to CEO. Today I'm CIO and Chief Digital Officer of IT World Canada - Canada's leader in ICT publishing and digital marketing.

Articles by Jim Love

Group harnesses Canadian tech industry to fight youth unemployment

Called NPower, it has signed Cisco and Accenture to help back free IT training

A book on innovation worth keeping

The Innovator's Method is a must read for CIOs or anyone trying to lead innovation, says our reviewer

Why CIOs need to learn to use the ‘F word’

Failure is something that few people -- or case studies -- acknowledge. But we learn more from our failures than our successes.

10 things developers should know about customer experience

When a group of CIOs recently discussed Web customer experience it spawned a memo that teams ought to read

What we learned from Heartbleed

Fast response, weaknesses in all code, the need for multi-layer defences are some lessons learned. Are there more?

The strategic CIO

Want to be a great CIO? Watch and learn from another C-level executive -- the chief executive officer. Read why

The CIO as consultant

Power versus influence: Understanding the difference between the two turned out to be a critical lesson for me as a CIO

Do real leaders encourage stealing?

There's something you can take from your employer and still be productive. Read on

Tech News