Jim Love

I've been in IT and business for over 30 years. I worked my way up, literally from the mail room and I've done every job from mail clerk to CEO. Today I'm CIO and Chief Digital Officer of IT World Canada - Canada's leader in ICT publishing and digital marketing.

Articles by Jim Love

Smart cities push public engagement over public policy: IBM strategist

What can we as IT leaders learn from the “smart cities” movement – as civic governments transform themselves to meet the challenges faced in...

BlackBerry Security Summit 2015 – BlackBerry gets the message right

At their Security Summit held today in New York, BlackBerry moved boldly to stake its claim to leadership not only in the area of...

Cracking a BlackBerry Passport: Unlocking is surprisingly easy

Need to use more than one SIM card on this new device? We show you how

Peering into the future of IT

Fewer business process workers and more digital business jobs are coming, says Gartner

Roundup: Gartner Symposium and IT Expo 2014

ITWC's chief information officer looks back at his time covering this year's annual event. With video

BlackBerry Passport – exactly what you want it to be

We take the latest handset on the road. With video tutorial

BlackBerry: Security and management are “not about the handset”

GARTNER SYMPOSIUM REPORT: Exec warns that If staff are too restricted they will find ways to get around the rules, leaving systems exposed to risks. Plus video interview

Microsoft’s strategy for civic leadership

GARTNER SYMPOSIUM REPORT: Microsoft positions itself as champion of open data and of cities. Plus a video report

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