Jim Love

I've been in IT and business for over 30 years. I worked my way up, literally from the mail room and I've done every job from mail clerk to CEO. Today I'm CIO and Chief Digital Officer of IT World Canada - Canada's leader in ICT publishing and digital marketing.

Articles by Jim Love

CanadianCIO Innovation Summit report: grappling with digital transformation’s human issues

A clear conviction that what IT does matters. As more companies become software companies that deliver products and services with an increasing digital component of their core business, we have a lot to offer..

All Hands on Tech: BlackBerry DTEK50 review

On the day when BlackBerry announced that it was going to follow the approach it adopted with the DTEK50 and outsource the hardware design...

Unboxing the BlackBerry DTEK50: A CIO’s first take on the new Android smartphone

ITWC's CIO Jim Love got his hands on the newest BlackBerry. Here's his early thoughts on the midrange device

Thoughts on CIO Peer Forum 2016: practical takeaways, eye-opening insights and at times, just plain riveting

ITWC CIO Jim Love shares his thoughts on this year's CIO Peer Forum event in Toronto

Why BlackBerry believes secure mobile collaboration is the future

The Waterloo, Ont.-based company outlines its secure approach to mobile, collaboration tools, and the cloud

Interview: Amazon CTO Werner Vogels on the democratization of IT

Ten years after its U.S. launch, Amazon Web Services (AWS) opened its first Canadian datacentre, located in Montreal, at the beginning of December to...

5 ways to confront the collaboration imperative

Expect enterprise collaboration as a technology to have a “significant impact” over the next five years, according to the 2015 Canadian CIO Census

Congratulations to ‘CanadianCIO of the Year’ winners Eugene Roman and Lydia Lee

The CanadianCIO of the Year award seeks to recognize Canadian pioneers in technology innovation and this year's winners in the private sector and public sector are great examples.

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