Jim Love

I've been in IT and business for over 30 years. I worked my way up, literally from the mail room and I've done every job from mail clerk to CEO. Today I'm CIO and Chief Digital Officer of IT World Canada - Canada's leader in ICT publishing and digital marketing.

Articles by Jim Love

Cyber Security Today, Week in Review for Sept. 17, 2021

Guest host Jim Love, IT World Canada's CIO, and Dinah Davis discuss passwords, REvil and cybersecurity awareness

Cyber Security Today Week in Review for August 13, 2021 

Welcome to Cyber Security Today. This is the Week in Review edition for Friday August 13th. I'm Jim Love, CIO and Chief Content Officer...

Do you have Top Gun training in your organization?

Guy Snodgrass spoke at the CIO Association of Canada's Peer Forum last week and closed the week with an inspiring and instructive presentation. I have taken a lot of that with me, as I have from other peer forum sessions.

Starlink internet in Canada: A remote worker’s experience so far

I live full-time two hours north of Toronto in the Haliburton area. I've had my Starlink internet for roughly one week, and here's what I've learned.

The ‘new normal’ workplace calls for greater focus on employee well-being

Employers are increasingly looking for ways to help employees with the impact of isolation as they continue to work apart. IT teams are playing...

The work from home experience will be a differentiator for organizations

Organizations can improve their ability to retain and attract talent by offering the right tool set and options for employees to work from home,...

Why you’ll never see continuity planning in the same way again

What improved productivity the most when employees in one government agency began working from home during the pandemic? It was ergonomic chairs and dual screens,...

Remote work isn’t the only ‘crisis innovation’ that’s here to stay

“Robots don’t have to be in quarantine, so they’re still working,” said a CIO in the oil sector. “It’s battle time,” he said at...

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