Jeremy Kirk

Articles by Jeremy Kirk

Microsoft prepares for rejection by Yahoo

As this Saturday

Europe should put six-month limit on search engine data storage: Committee

The collection of data en masse by search engines has considerable privacy implications, says a group looking at how companies comply with European regulations

U.K. government site hacked

A Welsh government Web site has been hacked to serve up malicious JavaScript, a sign that the spate of attacks first spotted last month are continuing, analysts from security vendor Sophos warned last week.

IBM opens

Capgemini division among first customers of new facility

Software patent ruling causing confusion in Britain

Court orders UK patent office to accept software patent, seemingly against European regulations

Yahoo sets up new lab in India

Yahoo will open its second lab in India, which will focus on long-term research

Danish ISP will fight injunction

One of Denmark

British ISPs may be forced to chop service to stop theft

Britons who illegally download movies and music could have their Internet service stopped under a proposal being quietly circulated by the government.

Tech News