Jeremy Kirk

Articles by Jeremy Kirk

FBI probes data theft blackmail scheme

Data thieves are threatening to release millions of patient records held by a U.S. prescription drug management company unless the company pays up

Video clip lands Google VP, three others in hot water

Google employees face possible charges of defamation for failing to suppress airing on Google Video of a clip showing a disabled boy being bullied by fellow teenagers

Google offers service-level guarantee for Apps suite

In effect, the search company is promising compensation for downtime exceeding around 45 minutes a month

London gears up for most wired Olympics ever

The BBC and British Telecom want to provide record online coverage of the 2010 summer games. But it isn't clear whether Internet service providers around the world will have the capacity to handle the load

U.K. slows plan for sweeping electronic surveillance

Government will consult on scheme to collect data on public electronic communications instead of trying now to implement a law. Critics complained that creating a "super database" of the origins and destinations e-mail, phone calls and Web site visits would be an invasion of privacy

U.K. appeals court rejects encryption key disclosure defense

Defendants argued that revealing a digital key to a hard drive would give police incriminating evidence. But the court said an encryption key is the same as a physical key to a locked drawer -- a neutral object. The contents of the drive (or drawer) is what could be incriminating

U.S. gov’t mulling digital signing of DNS root zone file

Got any ideas on how to make the Internet's addressing system less susceptible to tampering by hackers? You've got until Nov. 24 to make your pitch.

British startup to launch pro Web collaboration service

Offering combines several collaborative features aimed at making it easier for employees to work on projects, hold online meetings and communicate

Tech News