Jeremy Kirk

Articles by Jeremy Kirk

Companies still dragging their feet with patches

Time hasn't improved the ability of organizations to patch their software. A vendor claims it still takes about a month for half of the world's computers to be fixed after a patch is issued, not much of a change over the last four years

Gaptcha worm bores through Google’s CAPTCHA

A Vietnamese security firm uncovers a malware that is able to thwart Google's optical character recognition-based security feature and flood Gmail's registration page with fictitious names

Sapyto zaps SAP security weaknesses

CFOs concerned about speedy deployment often overlook the importance of SAP security. A beefed up version of test tool Sapyto enables users to carry out more thorough SAP systems security tests

Mac hacker IDs possible iPhone bug

Attacker would need a working exploit first, but then could remotely read text messages and other data, says hacker Charlie Miller

Conficker’s stealthy update

Wily worm reprogrammed to contact,,, and to infect more machines

Hackers exploit PowerPoint flaw

Independent security company Secunia has given the vulnerability its highest-risk ranking. Microsoft has not yet released a patch for the bug

IT Job Opening: New Facebook CFO wanted

Facebook says it wants its next CFO to have public company experience. Applicants may apply online

Fake security software scammers jump on Conficker

Google's search rankings are being manipulated in order to trick people into downloading bad software

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