Jeremy Kirk

Articles by Jeremy Kirk

Skype botches iPhone software upgrade

Dial a number, hit the fifth digit and boom! -- Skype crashes...

Leopard leaps into action with vulnerable Flash version

Apple releases the new Mac operating system but forgets to ship it with an update to Adobe's multimedia program...

Instant messaging accelerates data theft

An instant messaging module boosts the ability of the notorious Zeus malware to transmit stolen data ...

Microsoft and Yahoo close to search ad deal?

Microsoft could buy Yahoo's search advertising business, although discussions have broken down before

Microsoft reports another zero-day vulnerability

The vulnerability resides in Microsoft's Office Web Components, which are used for publishing spreadsheets, charts and databases to the Web, among other functions

New Trojan puts sneaky twist on click fraud

The malware invisibly funnels search queries through its own site, cheating Google out of money

Industry, military experts meet in Estonia for cyberwarfare talks

Security experts gather in Estonia, site of the most devastating cyberattack in recent years, to figure out how to deal with ever escalating cyber security threats

Security vendor releases alternative to CAPTCHA

Pramana has rolled out HumanPresent, designed to analyze interactions with Web applications in order to stop spam and click fraud. Find out how it analyzes behaviour to detect bots

Tech News