Articles by JEFF RADECKI

IFRS- Readyness Survey

On January 1, 2011, all Canadian organizations will be required to move from generally accepted accounting principals (GAAP) to international financial reporting standards...

About Pedro

My name is Pedro Cardoso. I live in Georgetown, Ontario with my wife, daughter, cat and a more than a few computers kicking around....

Is Microsoft

The old adage there’s no such thing as bad publicitycomes to mind with the controversy around aMicrosoft video ad for its new Internet Explorer...

Cisco to support the channel in collaboration

I just arrived in Boston this morning and already the town is a buzz about Cisco’s PartnerSummit. Signs are everywhere promoting the conference and...

Team Tek hits a home run

Yesterday, I spent the day at Team Tek’s annual customer conference. Now, there were plenty of customers. In fact the Richmond Hill, Ont.-based wholesale...

Parliamentary committee to query Nortel Ericsson deal

Nortel Networks Corp.’s agreement to sell its carrier wireless assets to LM Ericsson will be the subject of an emergency hearing in Ottawa this...

Video Tutorials

A play list series of the Blogging Idol website and a few tips and tricks you can use to become the next Blogging...

IBM IMPACT: Canadians want to skip the theory and get hands-on

Here at IBM Impact 2009, I was afforded the opportunity to ask Manoj Saxena, vice-president of global business services at IBM, what differentiates a...

Tech News