James R. Hughes

Articles by James R. Hughes

Technical audits crucial for project success

For any large-scale project, making certain that costs are justified relative to the expected benefits is essential.

Programming takes an extreme turn

Consider the following scenario: you have a team of software developers building a new Web-based application. The...

Successful projects need good people managers

It may seem simplistic to say that 90 per cent of project management...

Telecommuting revolution may increase productivity

Growing cities, like Toronto, continue to experience the impact of more commuters on their transit systems. Based...

Four steps to increased productivity

With most Y2K initiatives complete, organizations can now begin to address the backlog of software enhancements and new software development. One of the challenges faced is how to increase the productivity of resources to get the most accomplished.

How formal should you be?

Almost all development organizations, and most large projects, reach a point when communication breaks down and it...


Today, many companies are so afraid of losing a perceived competitive advantage that they take on additional...

Manage risk and improve project success

Expert project managers manage risks. By making risks visible, thinking through how to control them and monitoring...

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