Developers of the open-source GnuPG encryption software have reported a security flaw that could allow an attacker to sneak malicious code into a signed e-mail message.
Open-source database company My SQL AB has acquired a small Web application technology company and in the process hired its founder, Jim Starkey, a noted database software architect, MySQL announced.
Oracle Corp. has released several plug-ins that extend its database and applications management tools to cover a wide range of Microsoft Corp. products, including its SQL Server database, Oracle announced.
Google Inc. has argued that turning over more than a million of its search records to the U.S. government would undermine users' trust in its service and compromise its trade secrets.
Google Inc. has argued that turning over more than a million of its search records to the U.S. government would undermine users' trust in its service and compromise its trade secrets.
IBM Corp. may have figured out a way to extend the life of a popular method for manufacturing semiconductor chips, potentially deferring for several years the costly transition to newer production methods, it said.
The ObjectWeb consortium is giving itself a makeover this year to make its open-source software more suitable for business use and to help it expand further outside Europe.
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