Steven Shields, a former IT worker with Portland's Providence Health Systems, has filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against his erstwhile employer, claiming he was fired in February 2006 simply because he reported a theft to local law enforcement officials.
The FBI is using data mining programs to track everyone from potential terrorists to individuals who file fraudulent automobile insurance claims, according to a U.S. Department of Justice report filed with Congress.
The most recent group to join the mounting opposition against the Real ID bill in the U.S. is the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The Real ID bill proposes to create a national standard for state driver's licences and other forms of state-issued identification.
For nearly five years, Betty "B.J." Ostergren has led a one-person crusade against county and state government officials around the U.S. The feisty 57-year-old former insurance claims supervisor has one mission: stop them from posting public records containing Social Security numbers and other personal data online
The little lock icon that appears on a Web browser window frame when a secure connection exists between a browser and a Web server may be lulling users into a false sense of security
A large group of organizations led by the SANS Institute has launched a new information security skills assessment and certification program for software programmers
The scope of the security breach disclosed this week by The TJX Companies Inc. is starting to make itself evident, with more than three dozen banks in Massachusetts alone now reporting that cards they issued have been compromised.