Jaikumar Vijayan

Articles by Jaikumar Vijayan

Nine government employees fired for viewing porn at work

As the result of using government computers to visit an "egregious" number of pornographic Web sites in 2007 nine city employees in the District of Columbia have been fired.

New passport card with RFID a privacy risk, warns tech centre

The Centers for Democracy and Technology (CDT) have warned that a proposed new RFID-enabled passport card intended for use by Americans frequently travelling to Canada, Mexico, Bermuda and the Caribbean poses serious security and privacy risks for users.

Security hall of shame lists winners for 2007

A review of the year's notable security mishaps, breaches and meltdowns feature TJX, TD Ameritrade Holding Corp., and others

Federal security: Six programs to watch

The stories that get the most ink on information security issues are usually the ones about massive data breaches and other foul-ups - especially if they happen within government.

TJX proposes US$40.1 million to Visa issuers

Affected banks have until Dec 19 to accept an offer aimed to save millions in lawsuit damages. Financial institutions that agree to the terms will be compensated by month's end, the retailer said in a statement Friday

Another data breach at Veterans Affairs

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is investigating a potential data breach involving the theft of three computers containing personal data on potentially 12,000 individuals. This is not the first data breach to occur at the department, as last year a laptop and hard disk containing personal data on over 26.5 million veterans was stolen.

Court filing doubles scope of TJX data breach

Court documents from the retailer admit that payment card information lost through a wireless hack may affect 94 million people, not 45 million. Read excerpts from the affidavit

Experts: Security standards for power grid not enough

The chairman of the North American Electric Reliability Corp. says measures are not sufficiently broad and fail to cover a significant number of interdependent assets

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