Jaikumar Vijayan

Articles by Jaikumar Vijayan

Botnet ringleader gets four years in prison for stealing data

John Schiefer, who pled guilty to illegal interception of data in Los Angeles, was sentenced last week in Los Angeles. He used home and work computers to help crooks steal PayPal and banking passwords

How 52,000 Citigroup layoffs impacts IT

Ex-Royal Bank of Canada exec leads tranformational efforts at Citigroup's IT ops. But Citigroup is axing investments in technology out of necessity and not to improve efficiency, says TowerGroup analyst Guillermo Kopp

Corporate databases at greater risk of insider attacks

Bad times bring out inside badies. When economies falter, IT managers have better batten down the hatches against insider threats, according to security experts

Experts: Next president should prioritize cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a topic the next administration will need to focus on -- and as a high priority.

Vetoed data breach bill goes to Schwarzenegger again

Retailers argue amended data security bill sides with banks and credit unions.

Legal flap over Defcon talk exposes divide on security flaws

Critics of the temporary restraining order issued last Saturday by a federal judge in Boston have labeled it an infringement of the students' U.S. First Amendment rights and an example of prior restraint on free speech

Plan to expand government network monitoring raises privacy flags

The U.S. government's CIO and other federal officials have downplayed privacy concerns related to the expanded monitoring of federal networks that is planned under a multiyear initiative ordered by President Bush to boost cyber security at agencies.

Finjan finds database of stolen FTP credentials

The stolen credentials belong to companies from around the world and include more than 2,500 North American companies, some of whose Web sites are among the world's top 100 domains

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