Greg Enright

Articles by Greg Enright

IP router sales outdistance Ethernet cousins

Twice as much money is being made throughout the world from Internet Protocol (IP) router sales as from sales of Ethernet multiservice switches, according to market research firm RHK Inc.

Niche applications to be photonics industry

The idea of tailoring future products to meet the needs of specific industries was one of the conclusions reached at last week

Wireless expert touts coming apps

At a Wireless World Research Forum conference being held in Toronto this week, the organization

Offsetting the offshore pain

The burgeoning trend of sending information technology tasks outside one's own four walls towards other parts of the world - commonly known as offshoring - is one that presents both a wealth of opportunity for Canadians as well as a number of potential pitfalls.

New wiring world is here

We're happy to present a special section this time around on a subject that often, like Rodney Dangerfield, gets "no respect": cabling.

Yet another IS headache

The focus of one of our main news stories this week is something that has made its unwelcome presence felt quite strongly on corporate networks in the last half year or so: spyware.

Certifying your place

It's hard to deny that the networking and telecommunications job markets in Canada are getting more competitive with every passing year.

Ontario in the dark

A vendor-sponsored survey of 300 Ontario firms

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