Greg Enright

Articles by Greg Enright

New Canadian RFID Centre aims to educate

New facility's primary mandate is to foster organizations' knowledge of how the burgeoning technology can reduce costs throughout the supply chain.

First steps in outsourcing crucial

Our Feature section this issue takes a look at some of the latest developments in the ever-changing world of outsourcing. As the complexities of IT infrastructures have continued to grow, the popularity of the offloading concept has grown right along with it.

Time for Hurd to make his mark

So the dirty work at HP, or hopefully most of it, has been done. Recently hired CEO Mark Hurd went ahead and hacked off US$1.9 billion in savings last month when he announced the firm

Talk is cheap

A few years ago, I was fortunate enough to attend a series of seminars that examined how people communicate with one another, and attempted to explain why so many of us are such poor listeners. One of the exercises my class carried out was quite simple. We were grouped into pairs; one person described an opinion they had on any topic of their choosing, and when they were done, the other person attempted to say it back to them. Most of us, including myself, had to make at least two or three attempts before our partner felt satisfied that their opinion had been faithfully repeated.

No avoiding compliance quagmire

Our feature section this issue looks at the latest tools and tips that offer a tiny oasis in the Sahara that is the world of regulation and compliance. Earthquake-like corporate scandals such as Enron, Worldcom and Tyco rocked Wall Street hard enough to trigger aftershocks of another sort, the more sedate type that every organization

IT utility unlike water, electricity

Utility computing is a term that you

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