Greg Enright

Articles by Greg Enright

Eye in the sky nabs polluters

Most maritime pollution perpetrators fly under the radar. But Transport Canada is hoping to change that with the introduction of a new piece of air surveillance technology that will drastically improve officials

Internet will continue to feel video’s impact

One technology that the IT world can expect to hear much more about in the coming months will be IP video.

Offshore market set to fragment

The meteoric ascent of offshore outsourcing amongst Western-based businesses throughout the past decade has been nothing short of impressive. With dramatically improved communication capabilities brought about by such technologies as broadband networks, IP telephony and reliable videoconferencing offerings, distances have essentially been eliminated as a barrier to conducting international business.

Trading in your golf shirt for a suit

For IS pros, the message coming out of the discussion was clear: Sharpen your people and communication skills if you want to stay put and not start looking for work with a service provider.


During his time as chief executive officer of Computer Associates International, Sanjay Kumar was one of the IT sector

Risk models will help, but only the big guns

The most likely early adopters of risk assessment models are, as in most other cutting-edge technology implementations, financial institutions. For smaller outfits in other vertical markets, the process will probably continue to be an ad-hoc one, with inexact and often unsatisfying results.

One threat contained — on to the next

While old stalwart security threats of worms and viruses are becoming a thing of the past, threats such as mobile viruses and router worms

Laptop lunacy adds new IS headache

The laptop battery recall fiasco seems to have generated a new and somewhat unexpected headache for those charged with maintaining a sound-running IT operation.

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