Glenn Weir

Content writer at IT World Canada. Book lover. Futurist. Sports nut. Once and future author. Would-be intellect. Irish-born, Canadian-raised.

Articles by Glenn Weir

Playing the long security game in a world of constant change

At a time of nonstop technological shift and churn, of terraforming and re-terraforming in cyber security, agility and the ability to improvise and pull...

Achieving paperless power

Almost all organizations are going — or more likely have already gone — digital. The hoopla around new tech like mobile, cloud, IoT and...

Driving collaboration in the digital office

As Millennials flood the workforce, progressive enterprises are trading the culture of silos for one of collaboration. With today's hiring managers valuing collaboration as...

Webinar: “NAV CANADA gets its digital game off the ground”

The cruising speed of a commercial airliner is about 900 kilometers an hour. Due to heavy safety regulations, however, the aviation industry itself advances...

It pays for Canadian bloggers to go Canuck

If you’re a Canadian blogger or blogger wannabe, it pays to go the Canadian web hosting route. Well ... it doesn’t literally pay, but...

How to build a culture of innovation and fearless change

Change in business in 2018 is not only unavoidable, it’s normal. As the pivot point in most organization's digital transformation journey, CIOs have their...

Are you ready for the work revolution now underway?

The idea of a flexible and agile office was something business leaders used to see happening in the future — “down the road.” In...

Accelerating data intelligence and innovation

Most CEOs and members of company boards have come to expect that technology, specifically the newest available technology, will drive their continuing digital transformation...

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