Gary Hilson

Gary Hilson is a Toronto-based freelance writer who has written thousands of words for print and pixel in publications across North America. His areas of interest and expertise include software, enterprise and networking technology, memory systems, green energy, sustainable transportation, and research and education. His articles have been published by EE Times, SolarEnergy.Net, Network Computing, InformationWeek, Computing Canada, Computer Dealer News, Toronto Business Times and the Ottawa Citizen, among others.

Articles by Gary Hilson

The IoT is pulling IT and engineering skills together in a highly-sought after combination

Organizations should expect to pay a premium for IT staff with engineering experience or vice versa. Otherwise they will need to invest in training in order to support IoT product development and intiatives

Application performance management should take design lessons from the smartphone industry

Both incumbent and emerging vendors are great at displaying lots of data about an IT infrastructure, but require a great deal of training and not enough courses of action

Data awareness is the next wave of enterprise storage

Enterprise storage startups providing more insights into data are likely going to follow the same path as flash storage vendors

An inside look at an online tool to source ERP and other enterprise applications

Online tool from Technology Evaluation Centers provides 4,600 criteria to guide organizations toward the best software for their business

Surprise! Help desk satisfaction rates are better than you might think

The perception that IT fails to keep up with support requests isn’t true, according to a survey, and employees are getting better at solving their own problems

Quickly-built enterprise mobile apps can bypass IT

With business units now directly acquiring technology to solve specific problems, it was probably inevitable that they might start building their own apps

The possible link between BYOD policies and IT budget increases

A research report from ESG suggests that offering employees greater device choice puts mobile at the forefront of technology investments

Why Win10 developer skills must encompass IoT

Microsoft’s new operating system promises more cross-platform functionality, but developers will have to broaden their skill set and think more about user experience across devices

Tech News