Why all IT workers need to pass a broad-based tech program every five years that follows the infrastructure stack of hardware, software, the network, applications and now virtualization and the cloud
On a recent plane trip I finished reading Ken Follet's historical novel The Pillars of the Earth. With two hours remaining in the flight I reached into my travel bag for more reading material and pulled out the most recent letter to shareholders written by Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.
When I started to pen this column on network neutrality -- the notion that all content on the Internet should continue to be treated equally -- I thought I was on the side of grassroots coalitions like Save the Internet and Hands off the Internet.
At a recent CIO Perspectives conference, I sat in on an interesting session. On stage, three CIOs debated the topic of reporting relationships. The crux of their discussion: Should a CIO report to the CEO or the CFO?
At a recent CIO Perspectives conference, I sat in on an interesting session. On stage, three CIOs debated the topic of reporting relationships. The crux of their discussion: Should a CIO report to the CEO or the CFO?