Fred Hapgood

Articles by Fred Hapgood

Networking revolution raises security issues

Many analysts think the Internet is going through a change every bit as profound as the transition in the mid-

Machine vision set to change security

In recent years, a synchronicity of progress in cameras, lighting and processors - all stirred together with hundreds of thousands of man-hours of development - has brought machine vision to the edge of general deployment.

The call of the Internet: opinion

When Internet telephony first broke into public view in early 1995, it looked like a classic disruptive technology an invention that would leave the mighty sprawled in the dust while exalting the small and fleet. The story was especially dramatic because some true Goliaths the traditional telecom carriers occupied ground zero.


Ten years ago, computer security guru Fred Cohen made a revolutionary suggestion, one that inverted the roles of hardware and software. In traditional IS architectures, hardware persists while software is transient; the same processor executes instructions from many programs.

Viruses: good software gone bad

Ten years ago, computer security guru Fred Cohen made a revolutionary suggestion, one that inverted the roles of hardware and software.

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