Inventory Control – Attribute Based Demand Planning

As technology pushes forward and networks and systems become more complex retailers are finding more innovative ways to control their inventories.  The...

How SFDC and Jigsaw Play Together

As speculated when I heard the news that Salesforce had purchased Jigsaw, I immediately thought what a way to boost subscriptions to SFDC....

RFID in the Cloud

In today’s cross channel retail market companies are looking for ways to cut costs this article for RFID outsourcing illuminates how this may...

Lessons Learned From Online Data Storage & Backup – Case Study

As a SMB owner and coming from an IT background myself I have learned the importance of storage and backup.  When disaster strikes...

How To Use The Cloud to Close The RFID Middleware Gap

When the Walmart initiative pushed RFID into the spotlight for suppliers to tag their inventory and incoming transportation into...

Oracle Appliances – Maybe The Way to Sell Enterprise Software

What’s the next appliance you see for your running your business ?  If Larry Ellison has his way it may be an Oracle...

How To Apply Lean Manufacturing Principles To A Services Organization

As supply chains deepen in complexities many supply chain functions are finding ways that can benefit the rest of the organization.  Supply ...

Why The CRTC Could Slow Technology Growth In Canada

A ruling by the CRTC has the potentially change the landscape and stump growth for consumer technology as well...

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