David Wright

Articles by David Wright

The typical IT Project:

OK, your project turns out to be one of the 25% or less that will need to build new software because nothing exists that...

The Typical IT Project –

In the evolution of anything, product or service, a point is reachedwhere it is easier or cheaper or faster to buy it than make/do...

The typical IT Project –

In the IT marketplace, ‘Re-Use’ was a selling point of the firstwave of Object-Oriented Development, such that software was to be builtas components that...

The Typical IT Project – getting to a Solution Approach

So, you have at least one person assigned to the project…3) The evaluation/gating continues to a point where a solution approach can be decided...

The typical IT Project

My experience has shown me that most IT Projects are not automatically about developing new systems/software; the nature of an IT Project XE "IT...

A non-scientific survey: what kinds of IT Projects are you working on?

I have been posting a lot about my own experience with IT Projects,but time for something different. I want to get a feel for...

So, what is a Team?

Definition:1. side in sports competition: a group of people forming one side in a sports competition2. cooperatively functioning group: a number of people organized...

IT: Generalists or Specialists?

The issue is not about the fact that there are multiple roles on ITprojects, but whether you need specialists for each role to beeffective,...

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