Dave Webb

Dave Webb is a freelance editor and writer. A veteran journalist of more than 20 years' experience (15 of them in technology), he has held senior editorial positions with a number of technology publications. He was honoured with an Andersen Consulting Award for Excellence in Business Journalism in 2000, and several Canadian Online Publishing Awards as part of the ComputerWorld Canada team.

Articles by Dave Webb

Check Point secures iPhones

Shared password with individual login credentials makes for easy deployment, the company says

Hybrid card mixes analogue, digital signals

FlexiBRI will use the same BRI, FXO and FXS modules as the comany's existing cards

The semantics of privacy

Bell and the Canadian Association of Internet Providers made submissions to the CRTC in answer to questions the regulator had over their respective cases...

Five hot — and cool — storage technologies

By 2010, we'll be creating close to one trillion gigabytes of data. Here's a look at some of the technologies that will manage all that information

In praise of politeness

They say you can't legislate common sense or politeness. As a recent arrest over an insulting e-mail shows, Singapore begs to differ

The final answers: Bell, CAIP respond to CRTC over traffic shaping

The telco says its throttling technology doesn't affect traffic other than peer-to-peer file sharing, but users say their ability to telecommute has been compromised. What's the collateral damage?

Bullet-point Brief: The outlook for telcos

Conference Board of Canada's Michael Burt discusses his recent report on the health of the Canadian telecommunications industry

FCC ponders free wireless provision

The FCC is considering a provision in an upcoming auction for spectrum in the U.S. that would demand that the winner set aside some...

Tech News

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GTMA honours

Lie to me
