Dave Webb

Dave Webb is a freelance editor and writer. A veteran journalist of more than 20 years' experience (15 of them in technology), he has held senior editorial positions with a number of technology publications. He was honoured with an Andersen Consulting Award for Excellence in Business Journalism in 2000, and several Canadian Online Publishing Awards as part of the ComputerWorld Canada team.

Articles by Dave Webb

Brevity is the soul of Twitter

NEW MEDIA NEUROTIC: Tracing the evolution of the 140-characters-or-less ethos of Twitter

OPINION: New media, new neuroses Pt. II

Social netiquette is a complex thing. Where's Miss Manners when you need her?

A PALM PRE-VIEW: Smart phone in Canada by year

The company that helped create mobile computing is back and targeting the iPhone and BlackBerry markets. Is the Pre better? And does that matter? Read our analysis

Symantec offers managed backup

While outsourcing deals may take a hit in a troubled economy, targetted managed services make sense for companies with specific technology needs, analysts say

IBM launches internal cloud deployment appliance

CloudBurst will roll out SOA and WebSphere apps into an internal cloud environment. But is there a difference between

Waterloo takes bronze at programming challenge

The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest drew the 100 best programming teams from universities around the world. Which one is the world champion? WITH LOCATION VIDEO FROM STOCKHOLM

OPINION: New media, new neuroses

TweetFright and Faceblock aren

4 Canadian universities prep for IBM ACM finals

The annual challenge pits post-secondary students against one another on a series of problems that only the best programming skills could solve. How Waterloo, Alberta, UBC and McGill hope to win

Tech News