Dave Webb

Dave Webb is a freelance editor and writer. A veteran journalist of more than 20 years' experience (15 of them in technology), he has held senior editorial positions with a number of technology publications. He was honoured with an Andersen Consulting Award for Excellence in Business Journalism in 2000, and several Canadian Online Publishing Awards as part of the ComputerWorld Canada team.

Articles by Dave Webb

Mickelson hunting online defamer

I was once an avid, though terrible, golfer. I haven't hit the links in four years, and I haven't followed the pro tour as...

A tale of two buzzwords

OPINION What skill sets are companies hiring for? If you think it's cloud computing and big data, you may be surprised

Conversation with a hacker

As I wrote in another post, my Yahoo and Facebook accounts were compromised this morning, with some scam artist claiming to be me, in London,...

Diary of a hacked account

For those of you who are wondering, I am not in London, I was not mugged, and I don't want you to wire me...

There’s no escaping Tebow

I can't bear any more Tim Tebow, but I just can't escape him. Tebow, for those of you who don't follow NFL football, read newspapers...

Year in review: March 2011

Steve Jobs makes an appearance, Canada's Industry Minister draws a line in the sand, and more RIM rumours. More of the top stories from 2011

Year in Review: January 2011

A slew of tablets at CES, Steve Jobs takes medical leave and subpeonas for the Twitter accounts of Wikileaks' Julian Assange and his supporters

Year in review: February 2011

Zuckerberg meets his doppleganger, RIM announces Android plans and Nokia ties its handset future to Microsoft. More of 2011 in the rear-view mirror

Tech News