Dan Verton

Articles by Dan Verton

Chemical industry drafts cybersecurity plan

A broad cross-section of trade associations and individual companies from the U.S. chemical industry is moving forward this month with a comprehensive plan for improving cybersecurity at chemical companies and facilities.

Chemical industry drafts cybersecurity plan

A broad cross-section of trade associations and individual companies from the U.S. chemical industry is moving forward this month with a comprehensive plan for improving cybersecurity at chemical companies and facilities.

Bush cybersecurity strategy to be a living document

Howard Schmidt, vice chairman of the president's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board, attended the fourth and final White House-sponsored "town hall meeting" on cybersecurity last night in Atlanta before the release in September of the next version of the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace.

Survey reveals unexpected drop in insider attacks

Some experts are questioning recent findings that defy the conventional wisdom that insiders constitute the primary threat to enterprise security.

Insider threats hard to detect

Recent findings that insiders constitute the primary threat to enterprise security are being challenged by experts who insist the greater threat to security remains external.

Insider threats hard to detect

Recent findings that insiders constitute the primary threat to enterprise security are being challenged by experts who insist the greater threat to security remains external.

Outflanking the cyber terrorist threat

While cyber terrorism may not be an immediate threat, it would be foolish not to recognize that the United States is facing a "thinking enemy" who will adapt to attack our critical infrastructures and vulnerabilities, says Ruth David, former director for science and technology at the CIA.

Digital destruction was worst imaginable

For several tense hours on Sept. 11, the United States was deaf, dumb and blind due to the "absolutely massive" loss of communications infrastructure resulting from the collapse of the World Trade Center, a senior U.S. government official said last week.

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