Dan Verton

Articles by Dan Verton

Mapping of wireless networks could pose enterprise risk

There comes a point when the quest for ubiquitous computing turns into a security nightmare.

NASA investigating hacker theft of sensitive documents

U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) cybercrime investigators are looking into the theft of militarily significant design documents pertaining to the next generation of reusable space vehicles.

U.S. feds tracking Internet attacks

The FBI's National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) is monitoring a series of low-intensity cyberattacks launched today against U.S. Internet service providers.

Experts predict major U.S. cyberattack

A terrorist-sponsored cyberattack against major U.S. networks and businesses is no longer a question of if, but...

Cybersecurity czar gets tough on responsibility

President Bush's chief cybersecurity adviser yesterday expanded the administration's concept of corporate responsibility, warning the IT industry that it is no longer acceptable to sell glitch-riddled software, and urged users to stop buying software that they know isn't secure.

U.S. IT pros may face background checks

The George W. Bush administration plans to convene a panel of government and private-sector labor and legal experts to develop guidelines for subjecting tens of thousands of corporate IT and other employees to background investigations.

Hackers to corporate America: You’re lazy

When a group of Web vandals hacked into the Web site of USA Today on July 11 and inserted fraudulent news stories, the Internet security community got a taste of just how serious Web page defacements can be.

Final ‘Blue Cascades’ report cites infrastructure gaps

Government agencies and the private sector should work together to respond to any coordinated physical and cyberattacks against critical infrastructure systems, a report out today said.

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