Dan Nystedt

Articles by Dan Nystedt

ATI loses ground in graphics after AMD purchase

ATI Technologies Inc. lost ground in every major graphics product category during the third quarter, and its acquisition by Advanced Micro Devices Inc. is likely to blame, according to Jon Peddie Research.

Asustek sets SideShow laptop for Vista

Asustek Computer Inc. has prepared one of the first notebook PCs to use SideShow, a small display on the outside of the case that works with Windows Vista to allow users to scan e-mails and other information without booting up the laptop.

Taipei municipality revs up VoIP

The capital of Taiwan is pushing the technology envelope once again, this time turning on VoIP Internet phone service in government offices and schools across the city.

Taipei city government turns on VOIP system

On Thursday, city government offices, the Taipei City Council, and 234 schools throughout the city switched to VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) systems from traditional phone lines, an official said. The entire effort is expected to save the city NT$400,000 (US$12,340) per month in phone bills starting from early next year.

Asustek makes motherboard for quad-core chips

Asustek, the world's largest motherboard maker, announced its latest motherboard designed around quad-core microprocessors from Intel.

Chip sales hit record high

Global chip sales leaped to a record high of $24.13 (US$21.37) billion in September, boosted by demand for mobile phones, digital music players and PCs, the Semiconductor Industry Association said.

Sluggish computer sales slow chip industry growth

The global chip market won't grow as fast as expected this year because users haven't bought as many PCs and Macs as anticipated, the industry group, World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS), said Tuesday.

First $100 laptops to roll out this year

The first US$100 laptop PCs for the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) program will roll off production lines by the end of this year, and mass production will start in the first quarter of 2007, Quanta Computer Inc. said Tuesday.

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