Some really creative PR flacks over at recently cooked up a press release detailing the bizarre events they claim unfolded after the firm made some new domain names available. Below is an edited version of the account:
Help desk pilot fish is given a new laptop and told get a PCMCIA network card configured for an executive. He struggles for a while to load the drivers in Windows NT 4.0.
A Georgia movie theatre recently drew complaints from some customers after its computer randomly assigned the number 666 to tickets for Mel Gibson's new film, "The Passion of the Christ."
A recent survey by Aon Consulting in Toronto has found that Canadian high technology employees are slightly less committed to their employers than they were last year.
1999 - It was reported that Intel's Pentium III had made its debut, Toronto-based Hummingbird announced it was buying another Toronto-based company, PC-DOCS.1998 -...