CIO Canada Staff

Articles by CIO Canada Staff

Saskatchewan leads wireless push

Saskatchewan! Connected provides free Internet access across the province


IDC Canada recently polished up the crystal ball and published its Canadian Software 2007 Top 10 Predictions. This list offers the views of IDC


Three Ontario communities

Malware attackers picking their targets

Although the number of known viruses kept growing at a steady pace, 2006 witnessed a remarkable step down in the volume of visible attacks by worms, viruses and other malware, according to F-Secure Corp.

Canada faces tough supply chain issues

To stay a step ahead of low-cost suppliers from around the world, Canadian companies must go to extraordinary lengths to shape their supply chain strategies, says a new report summarizing an executive roundtable held by the Access Group, a Toronto based consulting firm.

The 3 R

School certainly has changed a lot since the days of the three R's

DiPasquale takes top IT exec honours

We had no idea it was coming, and when he took the stage to accept the CIO Canada award for CIO of the Year, Savino DiPasquale looked both shocked and elated.

And the Emmy goes to

When the recipients of the 2006 emmy awards were announced recently, a Canadian firm joined the likes of Keifer Sutherland and Julia Louis-Dreyfus in the winners

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