CIO Canada Staff

Articles by CIO Canada Staff

We’re #2!

Canada finally has surpassed the U.S. in the percentage of population using the Internet, says trend tracker Ipsos-Reid in its recent study, The Face of the Web. Whereas 59 percent of Americans used the Net in 2000, 60 percent of Canadians did so, up from 56 percent in 1999.

Customer relationship mismanagement?

The good news is Canadian companies are quick out of the gate with customer relationship management (CRM) strategies, in part because we tend to build the technology infrastructure first, says Cap Gemini Ernst & Young. The bad news is, once IT finishes the back end, corporate doesn't know what to do with it.

Speak, bar code, speak

If bar codes could talk, what would they say? Anything at all, if Kosaido Co. Ltd. in Japan and software developer Original Design Inc. have their way.

You can get there from here

It's difficult navigating changing business practices and expectations at the workplace, and your morning commute doesn't make it any easier. One company understands, and says it has a remedy.

U of Waterloo delves into deep computing

The University of Waterloo and IBM Canada Ltd. are jointly establishing a research facility that will focus on the area of large-scale parallel computing.

Tech Spending Key to Future Growth: Report

Investment in information technology has had a growing impact on Canadian productivity and output growth over the...

Cat and Mouse

If you have a power protector and the latest virus-scanning software, you may think you've got your...

Tech Triangle

Canada's so-called "technology triangle", comprised of Kitchener/Waterloo, Cambridge and Guelph in Ontario, continues to experience strong economic...

Tech News