CIO Canada Staff

Articles by CIO Canada Staff

CIOs need say in security legislation

With privacy and security breaches now making news almost daily, there has been a recent spate of legislation aimed at helping solve the problem. Unfortunately, this has created a whirlwind of ineffective compliance activity throughout public and private sector organizations in Canada.

Are your IT assets as secure as you think?

North American organizations are exposing themselves to significant security and financial risks because of the inability to properly manage their IT assets, according to a recent report from Softchoice Corp.

Teams plagued by lack of candour

There is a major trend plaguing teams today

Cdn piracy rates dropping

Canada's software piracy rate decreased three percentage points from 36 per cent to 33 per cent in 2005, falling below the worldwide piracy rate, which remained stable at 35 per cent, according to the Canadian Alliance Against Software Theft (CAAST) and the Business Software Alliance (BSA).

Global sourcing not about the money

Canadian companies need to sharpen their competitive edge to play successfully in the world markets, and utilizing a successfully deployed global sourcing model is the key, according to Inforica, a Canadian technology consulting firm with many Fortune 500 organizations on its client roster.


Sustainable development will steadily advance over the next 10 years, with six major trends influencing industry world-wide, according to a recent PricewaterhouseCoopers

Security concerns hinder mobile deployment

Secutiry concerns are the biggest obstacle to the widespread adoption of wireless and remote computing in businesses worldwide today, according to a global survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by Symantec Corp.

Portal buyers struggling with adoption

Enterprise portal technology buyers are struggling with adoption, as diverse portal products target different use-cases, and customers grapple with oft-immature tools, persistent performance bottlenecks, implementation delays, cost overruns, and poor usability.

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