Chris Conrath

Articles by Chris Conrath

Taking services to the Web

Web services seems to have as many definitions as it has implementations, but one thing is for certain

Grim 2004 in like a malicious code lion

The first half of this year has proven to be one of the worst in recent memory for malicious code distribution. According to Symantec Corp., the first half of 2004 saw 26 category three and four malicious code warnings compared to just 16 for all of 2003.

New security strategies needed: experts

Today's increasingly hostile IT environment is forcing companies to come up with new strategies to defend their data, according to participants at a security roundtable held in Toronto on Wednesday.

Canadian execs ahead of curve in security awareness

Refraining from opening e-mail attachments from unknown senders is the number one way companies can stop the spread of viruses and worms. But one survey shows that 78 per cent of top-level employees plead guilty to double-clicking on unknown files.

Speaking up on disaster planning

For a country prone to disasters, from natural and man-made to technology-based, a surprising number of companies have unacceptable plans in place to deal...

Experts: Phishing should be on enterprise radars

With a likely upsurge in laws requiring corporations to divulge whether sensitive customer data has been illegally accessed, Canadian companies will have to pay increasing attention to the prevention of phishing scams directed at their employees.

Short refresh cycles can work

Creating an optimal refresh cycle policy

The inside job

As an ex-RCMP officer, Rene Hamel tries to uphold the tradition of always getting his man. But there was one insider who almost got away.

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