Chris Conrath

Articles by Chris Conrath

Software Adds to PowerPoint Presentations

For the millions of people working in the world of IT, few words generate more trepidation than,

GroupWise set to exit the millennium flying on a bullet

Nothing like putting pressure on yourself. Announce that you are going to integrate XML architecture into your groupware offering, say you are going to deliver it ten months hence and then go ahead and give it a humble code name like BulletProof. This is just what Novell has done and they don

Taking the Chains off of the Internet Revolution

Oh, this is really great! Now we

SAS hounds the Web with e-intelligence

In the world of business intelligence, information is the de facto currency. With the advent of the Internet this currency is flowing freely, but companies are having a hard time figuring out how to store it, analyse it and use it productively.

Taking the pain out of adding workflow to Domino

The corporate world, as much as it would cringe at the thought, is often akin to government. Decision making and approval often have to go through a long and tedious chain of command. Percussion

Colleges move to address e-skills gap

Supply and demand is a funny thing. It usually balances itself out, but in today's increasingly e-world,...

Putting the

If you think of the long lines you have waited in over the years, chances are a good ...

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