The Ontario government's IT infrastructure has changed dramatically over the past 10 years. Slated for implementation in April 2008, a new five-year strategy plan aims to pin down performance management with a set of solid metrics. Expect more standardized operating environments and more consolidation.
Decades of siloed system design have left most government organizations with antique, rickety systems that don't play well with others. By putting new SOA wrappers on old proprietary applications, modular interfaces can be built, shared, linked, reused and recombined as needed. The utopia is infinite interoperability.
Cheap and plentiful data storage can be both a blessing and a curse. It creates the illusion there is infinite space available for data on networks. This intensifies human pack-rat tendencies to hoard data instead of evaluating what's really needed. All this accumulating data has impacts far beyond storage costs, cascading into all aspects of IT operations and management.
SAINT-SAUVEUR, QUE. - Senior managers from all levels of government and all regions of Canada paused at the Lac Carling Congress to hear a tribute to Joe Galimberti, one of Canada
Bridge commission deploys new network; Queensway Carleton Hospital stores with Kodak; WorkSafe BC bets on new wireless network; Improved function boosts CA Institute