ORLANDO - Microsoft Corp.'s annual North American customer conference got underway Monday in Orlando with much chatter on the past, present and future of middleware solutions.
ORLANDO - Delivering on its commitment to release product updates every 12 to 18 months until 2009, Microsoft Corp. has announced the latest iteration of its Great Plains Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software application, slated for release this July.
In the world of information technology, blink and you've likely missed an upgrade, a launch and sometimes even the entry and exit of a particularly bad innovation.
More than 1,400 Canadians, primarily in the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta, have been notified of a major security breach by Equifax Canada Inc., a national consumer-credit reporting agency.
The Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA) this week beseeched the federal government to eliminate capital taxes, citing the negative effects the taxes have on investment.
As if e-mail spam and viruses weren't enough to contend with on a daily basis, consumers must also continue to be wary of e-mail identity theft methods that are using trusted company names to lure victims.