brian bloom

Articles by brian bloom

Big data as a BYOD security blanket

New security strategies are relying on analytics to predict and mitigate threats

Open-Source: Coming to HP’s rescue?

HP's new cloud offering is based on open-source technology, something that is appealing more and more to consumers

Passive Analytics Filling Gaps in Market Research

A new survey tool gathers data on consumer behaviour through the eyes of their smart phones

IDC: Enterprise mobility an inescapable reality

IT WORLD CANADA CURATED BYOD has already changed the face of business, says the analyst firm

SAP works with Sencha on HTML5 apps

IT WORLD CANADA CURATED Developers can use Sencha's Touch 2 framework to build applications that can be deployed on the Web or offered through an app store

Recruiters: Social media ‘footprint’ key advantage

The most social media-savvy candidates and recruiters have a decisive advantage in a competitive market for IT jobs

Facebook to test first Open Compute racks

Open Rack solves a number of ongoing problems of traditional data center server racks

Western Digital bounces back with a vengeance

WD recaptures disk-drive market lead from Seagate

Tech News