Beth Stackpole

Articles by Beth Stackpole

Turning long demands into a short list

Surging demand for new mobile, social and advanced analytics tools is adding to IT's already full plate of traditional enterprise system work

Grow your own CIO with in-house training

Clearwires' CIO U aims to serve the following three functions: nurture the next generation of IT leaders at the $274.5 million telecommunications upstart; act as a forum; and foster a culture of teamwork

Grow your own CIO: How in-house training pays off

In late August, in the heat of the summer doldrums, a team of 30 or so hand-picked IT managers convened in an executive classroom for session No. 3 of CIO University, a leadership development program for would-be CIOs

CIOs who took an alternative route to the top

Whether the itinerary was deliberate or unplanned, these IT leaders' early experiences off the beaten high-tech path provided invaluable communication, business and people skillsrn

IT careers: Retire? How about never?

Budget cuts and layoffs have forced many IT departments to make do with less, leaving older IT workers vulnerable to younger employees whose skills may be more up to date

No more secrets to CIO success

Just a few years ago during the dotcom boom, it became fashionable to argue that CIOs were poised to become CEOs. It was believed that CIOs' unique enterprise perspective, both broad and deep, and their knowledge of IT

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