As most CIOs know, government policies have a major impact on corporate IT. Yet in presidential politics, the connection between policy and IT has gone largely unacknowledged.
With every dollar cut from corporate budgets, alignment between business goals and IT activities becomes increasingly important. "I don't understand how you could possibly leverage IT in the business without dealing with the issue of alignment," says Jan Duffy, an analyst with Toronto-based IDC Canada.
Good CIOs have gone mad trying to find cheap and effective last-mile connections between their corporate LANs and WANs. Wireless companies promise an alternative to T-1 or fibre-optic links: high-speed service at a fraction of the cost.
World Wide Web addresses were recently liberated from the tyranny of roman characters. This blow to the English language's hegemony came on Nov. 10, 2000, when Mountain View, Calif.-based domain name registrar VeriSign started registering Web addresses in Chinese, Korean and Japanese characters.