Articles by ARNAB TAGORE

SOA gets more airtime

By: IT News BlogInfoWorld's Dave Linthicum is off to a conference to preach about enterprise architecture and the value of SOA. It's opposites day...

Bill Gates, circa 1989

By: IT News BlogThe members of the Computer Science Club at the University of Waterloo have posted a recently digitized speech Microsoft founder Bill...

Gartner’s take

By: IT News BlogAnalyst house Gartner has a host of blogs to peruse, including the Predicts 2007offering, a collection of prognostications that are both...

Where are you online, exactly?

By: IT News BlogMark Goldberg is reporting that AOL has released a plug-in service that allows people to detect the physical location of someone...

Customer feedback, citizen feedback: Two contrasting stories

By: Sandford BorinsA few weeks ago I purchased an aged trade paperback from one of the booksellers represented on Amazon marketplace. I wanted it...

Still the weakest link

By: IT News BlogBruce Schneier tells howpeople are still the weakest link in the security chain.The U.S. however is stronger in something: writing malware...

Twitter: the new Web 2.0 craze?

By: IT News BlogMark Evans recently posted on Twitter, the Web 2.0 application that allows users to broadcast where they are at any given...

The CIO perspective

By: IT News BlogCIO magazine offers a host of blogs on a wide range of topics, from Katherine Walsh's ongoing look at the greening...

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