Andy Rowsell-Jones

Articles by Andy Rowsell-Jones

Analyst Outlook: From four-cylinder to formula one

Agility, the most important enterprise survival mechanism, is something you build. Make sure your IT organization is positioning itself for quick responsiveness to business demands.

Analyst Outlook: How much is enough in risk management?

The nature of IT risks is changing, but adept risk managers are finding effective ways of coping

Analyst: Is it time for real time?

Is real-time infrastructure too good to be true, or a potential new source of reduced cost and increased agility?

Analyst Outlook: Do you really have an IT strategy?

Everyone has an IT strategy, right? Wrong. Most people have a delivery strategy, strong on the

Analyst Outlook: Centralized: the new shape

Trigger events, such as a change in business strategy, cause CIOs to rethink how IS is structured. Their answer is to be increasingly centralized.

Analyst Outlook: The new cost of doing business

As technology relentlessly drives down the cost of transactions, businesses must learn to adapt to a changing environment.

Analyst Outlook: How’s your credibility bank account?

CIOs cite credibility as critical to their success. Yet credibility is hard to win and harder to keep.

Raising your firm

To promote competitive advantage, the CIO must influence the enterprise toward a higher information orientation. The key lies in the differences between you and your competitors

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