Intel Corp. of Canada on Monday began shipping the third-generation of its 64-bit Itanium 2 processor, code-named Madison, and also launched the Xeon Processor MP platform, code-named Gallatin.
Microsoft Business Solutions has fully integrated its Solomon Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application with several other Microsoft Corp. applications, as the latest upgrade
Cisco Systems Ltd. unveiled a plan for managing wireless local area networks (WLANs) earlier this month, which one analyst said helps the company remain competitive.
Software piracy rates jumped slightly in Canada in 2002, as the country continues to lead the U.S. in theft of commercial software, according to an annual survey.
The World Wide Web consortium (W3C) announced earlier this week that it has given recommendation status to the latest version, 1.2, of the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) specification
A group of Canadian associations is joining forces to create a national index of Canadian technology companies working in the advanced security sector.