Development and deployment of Web-based applications using Java and Linux can be up to 28 per cent more expensive than similar applications built using Microsoft Corp.
AT&T Corp. will spend US$3 billion in capital expenditures this year to completely transform its global network from having a voice-based carrier infrastructure into a single Internet Protocol (IP)-based network, the telco said on Wednesday. The project is expected to be completed by 2005.
Development and deployment of Web-based applications using Java and Linux can be up to 28 per cent more expensive than similar applications built using Microsoft Corp.
At a time when one analyst says many vendors are moving towards utility and grid computing, IBM Canada Ltd. has released another component in its push to integrate its On Demand strategy.
In an effort to ensure that software providers and developers create interoperable Web services, the Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) announced last month the availability of Basic Profile 1.0.