Alex Coop

Former Editorial Director for IT World Canada and its sister publications.

Articles by Alex Coop

IBM and Apple announce new partnership to create smarter mobile apps

IBM And Apple announced a new partnership to create smarter mobile apps.

University of Waterloo partners with Chinese institutions on connected autonomous driving

The University of Waterloo is partnering with Chinese institutions to research and develop connected autonomous driving.

OntarioMD partners up with Ontario Telemedicine Network

The Ontario Telemedicine Network is partnering up with OntarioMD to improve provincial digital health delivery.

Ontario paramedics pioneering Canadian drone industry

Renfrew County, Ont. is a pioneer among its peers in Canada when it comes to drone technology.

Developer 30 under 30 back and ‘bigger and better’ organizers say

Developer 30 under 30 nominations are still open until March 16.

New chief digital officer will help the ROM transform itself ‘from the inside out’ says museum CEO

Shyam Oberoi is the Royal Ontario Museum's new Chief Digital Officer.

Microsoft Cloud helping partners scale, target specific sectors

Several years ago the CIO of Steamwhistle Brewery explained to Jason Brommet that managing servers and mailboxes wasn’t the lager producer’s core business - it was brewing “incredible” beer. That comment has stuck with Microsoft Canada’s director of partner business and development since, and is a driving force behind Microsoft’s cloud strategy this year.

Google offers free crash course on machine learning

Google wants you to learn about machine learning, for free.

Tech News