A 1,000-person WhatsApp community keeps delivery workers safe, Twitter can’t decide what’s the sports gif of the decade, and Air Canada’s new booking system is causing headaches.
Facebook and google get bounced out of glassdoor's top 10 best places; Samsung has already sold over 1 million Galaxy Folds globally, and Google’s...
Twitter goes nuts over the new Mac Pro’s price tag, A self-driving truck delivered butter from California to Pennsylvania in three days, and the Chinese government wants to get rid of all of its foreign computers and software.
The Bank of Montreal slashes thousands of jobs, the US and UK take down a Russian cyberhacking ring called Evil Corp., and TikTok admits to suppressing the reach of content created by certain users.
Cyber Monday overshadows Boxing Day, Huawei is moving its U.S. research centre to Canada due to American restrictions on its activities, and the PlayStation turns 25.
Not unlike a sports car, museums and exhibits aren’t reaching their full potential without the right engine running under the hood, says Jason Fiddler.