CIO Census 2013 Report


    At IT World Canada, we strive to provide information to technology professionals that’s useful, contextual, and community-oriented. It’s that last element that inspired CIO Census Report. Developed in partnership with the CIO Association of Canada and sponsored by BlackIron Data, the CIO Census aims to take the pulse of Canada’s technology decision-making community.

    From January to March 2013, 186 technology decision-makers, from a variety of company sizes and a number of verticals, filled out our 18-question survey. Our analysis of the results is divided into three sections: your role as a technology decision-maker; the environment you work in; and the trends you see influencing the future of your job. Perhaps most powerful, though, are your own words, quoted in the final section. They reveal a community driven by business alignment, formalization of process and policy, engagement and collaboration with the business and the customer, and continuous improvement in the skill sets of the IT department.


    Click here to read the Digital Report

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