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Great comments from John Pickett in the June issue (page 6). We found them highly applicable to what we encounter here at the WSIB.

I’m happy to say, gone are the days when projects were considered “IT Projects”. Today we have the business community at the head of the table each step of the way. We have come a long way from when changes to our business were driven by “IT”.

It’s now a collective “Business Project” headed by a Project Director from the business area. This approach has increased the business’s view of the value IT provides. IT Managers and staff are accepted as part of the business and the credibility of IT has increased.

We are “Customer Centric” and “Business Focused”. Our enterprise project portfolio starts at the top level of decision making, our executive committee, and is driven by business priority and facilitated by our SPMO (Strategic Project Management Office), which as of this year reports outside of IT to our Corporate Strategy Group.

We have evolved into “Business Led, IT Enabled change”. The business areas now seek out architecture and business case assistance. They understand the need for infrastructure investment, and they support it in order to facilitate change.

I appreciated reading your views and your continued support of what I believe is one of the pivotal IT-Business alignment challenges today.

Valerie Adamo, VP and CIO, Workplace Safety & Insurance Board, Ontario

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